SIJOU #Surya acuminata
SIJOU (edible plants in Manipur, India) This plant is called ' Sijou ' by the Kukis of the Northeast India. It's Scientific name is ' Eurya acuminata 'The leaves are a delicacies for them. HOW TO PREPARE AND COOK: First, take out the veins from the leaf. Then cook it with waterfor some minutes like 30 minutes. Then, add some rice, a little salt, Chillies. After the rice is boiled, add a little Soda bicarbonate to soften the leaves. Optional: You can add dried/raw beaf, pork, chicken or any meat to taste better. But I like without any meat. When the rice and leaves are soften, tir it with a ladle spoon ( preferably bamboo ladle spoon) for about 30 minutes or more. When it becomes creamy or gluey, it is ready to serve.